Add PEPPER to your RESUME and make it more SPICY

Purpose Of A Resume

A common misconception about resumes is that they are meant to describe what you did in your past jobs. In actuality, resumes are most effective when they are written from a future perspective. The main aspect of a resume is to get through an interview. Resumes are one to two-page summaries of your qualifications and their sole purpose is to impress prospective employers. Your resume must be better than your competitors that you are going to get an interview. If your resume is well written you get phone calls for coming to the interview or else you are sending on your resumes and do not get any reply back it is for sure that you need to take a closure look at your resume.

Any resume can list employment dates and job position titles, but only the best ones speak the language employers want to hear. Always the company needs to know if you are capable of contributing to the bottom line, if you can solve problems and achieve goals..

Initially, try to use action oriented keywords that reflect your ability to solve problems, take initiative, are performance-driven and goal-based. These words will grab the reader's attention. Secondly quantify your accomplishments that define your past successes.

The primary element of an ideal resume contains powerful and assertive statements about your talents, characteristics and accomplishments. No need to be shy. You are going for the gold so sell yourself with all that is in you. The secondary element of an ideal resume will show you know your stuff and know it well. This will be proven by education, experience, work history and any other relevant affiliations that shows the prospective employer that you are a person of substance and not only of design.

Your resume must grab them within the first 5-10 seconds, so, your objective must be dynamite! Clearly state the job title you are going for and then add a few key phrases to show you will meet their exact needs. The summary element of your resume needs to pack a punch to be most effective. It contains the best about how and why you qualify for the job. After reading your summary, the employer should know, without any doubt, that you are the best man or woman for the job. This is where you will shine! This will be your moment to show your stuff. After reading this section, the employer will be compelled to read more.

Take the time to write an excellent resume. The purpose of a resume is to get a great job and sometimes it means you have to invest a little of your time up front creating a great marketing masterpiece about you. It may take a little longer to think of the right words to use, but in the end, when you are enjoying the benefits of an excellent career, you will be so glad you did it.